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피진이나 크롬, 오픈샷 같은 경우는 저도 사용하고 있고, 도키도 써봤는데

shotwell, zohoweboffice, viewnior(본 것 같은데)는 어떤 프로그램인지, 정말 좋은지 사용해 봐야겠습니다.^^

The default selection of applications in Ubuntu are great for most people but it would be foolish to think that one size fits all. To make it easier for you BLAH showing the most popular alternative to a default application…. install-on!

This list is by no-means exhaustive or definitive but presents the best like-for-like replacements.

Swap Empathy for Pidgin

Pidgin and Empathy are very similar – for example they both use the libpurple library for communicating with various different IM services.

Although Empathy can do most of what Pidgin can do (and in some cases a little bit more) many users yearn for the familiarity and extensibility of Pidgin. Swapping it out is painless as Pidgin uses the Messaging Menu and integrates well into the desktop.image

Swap PiTiVi for OpenShot

When PiTiVi was announced as a default application for Ubuntu 10.04 many users were happy that a stable and usable video editor was finally included by default.

Some users find that PiTiVi is too basic for their needs and want something with features like iMovie and entry-level video software for Windows. OpenShot provides just that.

Features, effects, easy

OpenShot boasts a massive line-up of features, video effects and editing tools – and it’s all in an interface that is very easy to use straight away.

Features include: -

  • Over 30 video effects, 28 transitions and 10 audio effects
  • Green-screen/Chrome Key support
  • Title editor
  • Dynamic Tiling
  • Simple export presets

To install it hit the one-click install button below: -image[3]

Swap F-Spot with Shotwell

Shotwell is a great alternative to F-Spot. It has a more comprehensive photo editor/fixer and offers a keener way to organize a photo collection.

Organize your photos

Features include the ability to organize photos by date taken or by tags, upload them directly to Flickr, Facebook or Picasa and amongst the editing tools are rotate, crop, reduce red-eye, saturation, tint, and temperature.image[13]

Swap the bottom panel for a dock

If the bottom panel in Ubuntu isn’t flashy enough for you you could always swap it out for a dock. Selection_29(004)[3]

Docky is a great choice as it comes with applets for Gmail, weather, trash and session management, has application integration for many applications including Pidgin and Rhythmbox but most importantly it looks really good.' You can also have more than one Dock on the screen with Docky.

To remove your bottom panel just right click on it and choose ‘delete’


Swap OpenOffice for ZohoWebOffice

If you don’t use all of the fully featured office suite Ubuntu ships with you may wish to remove those applications you don’t use (Draw, Impress, etc).

Another alternative is to use either GoogleDocs or ZohoWebOffice. Both can be installed as shortcuts in Ubuntu although the later links to your browser rather than a standalone window.Selection_001[5]


Swap Firefox for Google Chrome*

Firefox, once the king of browsers, is fast being out paced and out performed by Google browser ‘Chrome’.

Although there are many other browser alternatives Google Chrome is one of the most popular and the one most users will find easy to ‘replace’ Firefox with; Chrome has thousands of extensions (adblockers, flashblockers, Gmail alerts, Last.fm radio, etc) all a restart-less install away.

It’s also worth noting that Google Chrome comes pre-installed with Flash so no more hunting down a flash installer: just open Chrome and YouTube, MySpace etc all work.


*Alternatively Chromium is available in the repositories.This lacks the Google branding and doesn’t come with flash pre-installed.

Totem For VLC

Totem movie player is not to everyone’s tastes and many people prefer to use VLC. Before you ditch Totem 'because you’re used to using VLC you should give it a go – it comes with many plug-ins such a built in subtitle downloader, YouTube browser and more.image

Rhythmbox for Banshee

Many users prefer Banshee for various reasons – Banshee has a graphical (almost iTunes-esque) way of managing/transferring content to MP3 players and supports most major mobile phones, it has different modes of viewing your library, a wider set of plug-ins and various online content integrated tools. It even has the UbuntuOne Music Store!


Default picture viewer for ViewNior

The default image viewer in Ubuntu is “okay”. there are, however, lighter, faster and better alternatives out there.

ViewNior is my favourite. It is speedy, responsive, supports most image formats and has some simple editing tools such as crop and rotate without needing to send the file to another application.

Sadly it’s not in the Ubuntu repositories but you can easily add it via the terminal using: -

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xsisqox/ppa
  • sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude install viewnior

Posted by 곽성호(자유)
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소프트웨어 소스 추가


sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys EDFBD1F9 sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys EDFBD1F9

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install openshot

What in the world is a PPA you ask?
그것은 개인 꾸러미 아카이브에 대한 약어입니다. It is an acronym for Personal Package Archive .

이것은 지금은 우분투 9.10에 대한 OpenShot 설치 선호하는 방법입니다. This is now the preferred way to install OpenShot for Ubuntu 9.10 . 우분투의 경우에는 이전 버전을 사용하여, 당신은 아직도 우리. DEB 설치를 사용해야한다. If you use an older version of Ubuntu, you will still have to use our .DEB installers. 또한, 나는 매우 해제하는 것이 좋습니다 - OpenShot의 기존 버전을 설치하기 전에 PPA를 통해 설치 (그리고 의존성)가. Also, I highly recommend un-installing any existing version of OpenShot (and it's dependencies) before you install via the PPA.

PPA를 런치 패드에서 호스팅됩니다. This PPA is hosted on LaunchPad .

지침 Instructions

1 단계 : 상기에서 첫 번째 줄을 복사 Step 1: Copy the first line from the above 목록 (우분투 올바른 버전 선택)해야합니다. list (Be sure to choose the correct version of Ubuntu). 이라구 http://ppa "로 시작하는 줄은 ..." The line that start with "deb http://ppa..."

2 단계 : 여러분의 우분투 컴퓨터, 개방형 시스템 "관리"소프트웨어 소스. Step 2: On your Ubuntu computer, open System > Administration > Software Sources .

3 단계 : 클릭 타사 소프트웨어 탭을 클릭합니다. Step 3: Click the Third Party Software tab.

화면 소프트웨어 소스 애플 리케이션에서 최고의 탭 중 하나를 쐈어

4 단계 : 추가 버튼을 클릭합니다. Step 4: Click the Add button.

5 단계 : 붙여넣기 1 단계 라인을 복사하고 원본 추가 '버튼을 클릭하십시오. Step 5: Paste the line you copied in step 1 and click the Add Source button.

6 단계 : 이제 위의 목록에서 두 번째 줄을 복사과 마찬가지로 4 단계와 5 않았다 그것을 붙여 넣습니다. Step 6: Now copy the second line from the above list and paste it in just as you did in steps 4 and 5.

메시지가 나타나면, 소프트웨어의 소스 정보를 다시로드합니다. When prompted, reload the software sources information. 만약 당신이 확인되지 않은 소프트웨어 소스에 대해 경고 메시지가 나타 걱정하지 마세요, 우리는 다음 고쳐줄거야. Don't worry if you see a warning about unverified software sources; we're going to fix that next.

일러 우분투 PPA를 인증하는 방법에 Telling Ubuntu how to authenticate the PPA

이제 우분투 PPA를 알고 있어요. Now Ubuntu knows about the PPA. 그것은 또한 이후 런치 패드가 내장된 조작되지 않았음을 확인 소프트웨어를 알아야합니다. It also needs to know how to check the software hasn't been tampered with since Launchpad built it.

7 단계 : 오픈 터미널 입력 : Step 7: Open your terminal and enter:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys EDFBD1F9 sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys EDFBD1F9

8 단계 : 마지막으로, 다시 그것에 대해 알고있는 각 소프트웨어 아카이브의 세부 정보를로드 우분투 말 : Step 8: Finally, tell Ubuntu to re-load the details of each software archive it knows about:

쉽다는 sudo - 업데이 트를 받으십시오 sudo apt-get update

9 단계 : 지금은 PPA에서 OpenShot를 설치할 준비가있어! Step 9: You're now ready to install OpenShot from the PPA ! , 시냅틱 및 openshot 검색 (메모 중 하나를 사용하여 : "버튼을, 아니"빠른 검색 ")"검색을 사용하거나, 커맨드 라인에서 설치할 수있습니다 OpenShot를 설치하려면 : To install OpenShot, either use Synaptic and search for openshot (note: use the "search" button, not the "quick search"), or you can install it from the command line:

쉽다는 sudo - openshot 설치 얻을 sudo apt-get install openshot
이제 OpenShot 설치하면 응용 프로그램에서 실행 "할 수 있어야 사운드 및 비디오 메뉴에서, 또는 터미널 ($ openshot부터). Now that OpenShot is installed, you should be able to launch it from your Applications > Sound & Video menu, or from the terminal ($ openshot ). 우리 OpenShot 업데이 트를 할 때마다, 당신은 지금 최신 버전으로 업데이 트하라는 메시지가 표시됩니다. Every time we update OpenShot, you will now be prompted to update to the newest version. 우리의 최신 기능을 테스트할 수있는 좋은 방법이야. It's a great way to test our latest features.
Posted by 곽성호(자유)
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우분투 10.04 (리눅스) / 2009. 12. 27. 01:44
| View Comments ]

OpenShot - one of the best video editor available for Linux - finally has a PPA! That's news enough in-itself as it means pain free installation but the even better news is it now comes complete with effects!

New Effects

30 awesome video effects are now included - including Chroma Key (green screen) allowing you to create all sorts of awesome videos. These are in addition to the 15+ transitions included!

The new effects include: -
  • Black and White
  • Blur
  • Glow
  • Mirror
  • Old Grain
  • Pixelate
  • Water
  • Sepia
3 new audio effects make it into the latest release, too: -
  • Phaser
  • Pitch
  • Echo
And in the spirit of OpenShot, it's as easy as dragging and dropping an effect on a clip.


You can install PPA in Jaunty and Karmic using the following official PPA: -

Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openshot.developers/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/openshot.developers/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main
GPG Key: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys B9BA26FA

Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openshot.developers
The PPA also contains the latest versions of all necessary dependencies that OpenShot requires - such as FFmpeg, MLT, Frei0r, and x264 so no worries about not being able to run it!

WARNING: Currently installing OpenShot via PPA will break video playback. You are advised to use the .deb's from the official site or follow the advice here.


Once you've added the PPa you can install it via Add/Remove or Software Centre or via the terminal using: -
  • sudo apt-get install openshot
Ibex or Hardy users can grab pre-made .deb's @ http://www.openshotvideo.com/download.html


So far testing the new version of OpenShot in Karmic I've found it to freeze up a lot so karmic users be warned. Other wise it's the same awesome quality I've come to expect from the OpenShot team who, let's face it, have created the de facto video editor for Linux. OpenShot is to Linux what iMovie is to OS X.
"OpenShot Is The De-Facto Video Editor For Linux."
PiTiVi is another popular video editor that has a lot of potential but as OpenShot point out in their announcement, despite PiTiVi having full time paid developers it's progress is incredibly slow. It lacks most of the important user-end features that OpenShot has - effects, titles, transitions...

Be sure to check out the following official demo video!

Posted by 곽성호(자유)
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OpenShot Video Editor has not released an "official" version yet. We are still in development. But that doesn't mean you can't install it. If you are interested in installing OpenShot (and don't mind a few bugs), there are now 3 ways to install it, a PPA, DEB Installer, and Build Wizard.

PPA Instructions:

Our PPA only works with Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) and Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic). Click Here for our PPA Instructions and links.

DEB Instructions:

Please choose the correct CPU and OS from the lists below and download the DEB installers. You must install both the dependencies and OpenShot. NOTE: Language packs are now included in our installer.

Developer Preview (version 0.9.52):

Build Wizard Instructions:

We also have a build wizard available, which downloads the latest source code and compiles all of the dependencies.

Source Code Tarball:

If you are just interested in downloading the source code for OpenShot, here is a tarball with the entire source from our bzr branch. An alternative way to get the latest source code is to use the following command: "bzr branch lp:openshot". NOTE: This tarball does not include the dependencies that OpenShot requires.


오픈샷은 다른 언어 파일과 달리 프로그램 자체가 설치 위치가 달라서 ...
오픈샷 설치 후
/usr/local/share/openshot/main/language디렉토리에 ko_KR 디렉 만든 후 ko_KR 디렉에 LC_MESSAGES 디렉토리 또 만들어
에 위 첨부 파일이 OpenShot.mo 로 이름 바꾸어 존재 하면 한국어 우분투 환경에서 OpenShot 한국어로 나옵니다.
/usr/local/share/openshot/main/language/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES 입니다

Posted by 곽성호(자유)
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