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부엉이쌤의 나라말, 우분투, 국어교육 곽성호(자유)


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OpenShot Video Editor has not released an "official" version yet. We are still in development. But that doesn't mean you can't install it. If you are interested in installing OpenShot (and don't mind a few bugs), there are now 3 ways to install it, a PPA, DEB Installer, and Build Wizard.

PPA Instructions:

Our PPA only works with Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) and Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic). Click Here for our PPA Instructions and links.

DEB Instructions:

Please choose the correct CPU and OS from the lists below and download the DEB installers. You must install both the dependencies and OpenShot. NOTE: Language packs are now included in our installer.

Developer Preview (version 0.9.52):

Build Wizard Instructions:

We also have a build wizard available, which downloads the latest source code and compiles all of the dependencies.

Source Code Tarball:

If you are just interested in downloading the source code for OpenShot, here is a tarball with the entire source from our bzr branch. An alternative way to get the latest source code is to use the following command: "bzr branch lp:openshot". NOTE: This tarball does not include the dependencies that OpenShot requires.


오픈샷은 다른 언어 파일과 달리 프로그램 자체가 설치 위치가 달라서 ...
오픈샷 설치 후
/usr/local/share/openshot/main/language디렉토리에 ko_KR 디렉 만든 후 ko_KR 디렉에 LC_MESSAGES 디렉토리 또 만들어
에 위 첨부 파일이 OpenShot.mo 로 이름 바꾸어 존재 하면 한국어 우분투 환경에서 OpenShot 한국어로 나옵니다.
/usr/local/share/openshot/main/language/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES 입니다

Posted by 곽성호(자유)
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