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does NOT support Chinese (traditional)
is pretty easy to use, and I like the way the by clicking the icon and
you can preview the doc. However, it would be better if the preview can
be open in a new tab, as it is just a waste of time for waiting the
file to be converted and I cannot keep on browsing other items on the
same page.
I was still happy with this addon until I find out that it does NOT
support Chinese (traditional)!! Please add this limitations in the
별 5개 만점에 2개 받음
평가자: zan000, 평가일: 2009년 6월 13일
와~!! 이런게 가능하군요..
정말 사용하기 편리하고 좋네요...^^ 좋은 플러그인 감사합니다.
별 5개 만점에 5개 받음
평가자: sangpire, 평가일: 2009년 5월 22일
easy to view the document such as ppt, doc, xls during surfing on the
net. I don't need downloading the file, just click the icon beside the
document's title, and then I can see the whole contents of the
document. GOOD!
별 5개 만점에 4개 받음
평가자: seoeun25, 평가일: 2008년 11월 6일