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부엉이쌤의 나라말, 우분투, 국어교육 곽성호(자유)


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SimpleTemplate One

(3 votes)
SimpleTemplate One

Driven by a strong minimalist spirit, SimpleTemplate is a new collection of themes for OpenOffice.org Impress. As the name suggests, "One" is the first element of this series.

Note: Given that either the Slide Master feature is perhaps still sort of buggy, or apparently I have yet to master it, the current release is pretty much craftmanship work, that is, you will have to copy/paste the pages in order to keep the consistency of the design. That being said, my very first goal for the next release is to actually achieve seamless integration with the new Slide Master feature.

Download extension
Operating System: System Independent
Official release: 3.0.0
Date: 2008-Nov-16
Size: 19.5 KB
License: opensource | Read license
Source code: Browse source code
Further product information: Screenshots | Product details
Provider: Nano Taboada
Posted by 곽성호(자유)
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