This installer retrives the current version out of the internet andinstalls this one, but it requires an internet connection. If you wantto install BattCursor without an active internet connection pleasedownload the current version.
Notice: The files below are outdated and should notbe used. You can use it if you have problems with the current version.In this case please tell us about so we can improve our application andfix errors.
newly introduced jumplists, which appear when you right-click on an
icon in the superbar, help improving the workflow a lot, but if you
want combine multiple programs in one icon, you’re screwed.
The ‘Jumplist-Launcher’ comes to rescue!
It lets you add up to 10 60 programs or files within self-defined groups inside a jumplist, but see yourself:
You can choose one default-entry which will be opened if you click
on Jumplist-Launchers Superbar-icon. An entry will be added to your
Jumplists which opens the configuration-window of the Jumplist-Launcher
The interface has been revised agaom (special thanks go to Heiko Eckendorf for the concept)
The issue where people were unable to create Jumplists is finally fixed
Version 6:
Every element can now be executed with command-line arguments (doesn’t make much sense for non-executable files though)
Shortcuts added via drag’n'drop will be dissolved to their target. This includes their arguments.
If somehow an icon couldn’t be loaded it will now be replaced by a
question mark instead of throwing cryptic error messages at you
The interface and workflow to add files have been revised
People who weren’t able to change the max. number of jumplist-item should now be able to do so
Version 5:
groups and entries in the treeview can now be moved via drag’n'drop
after deleting items in the treeview icons don’t become mixed up anymore
after adding files via filebrowser the correct icon will now be shown in the treeview
Version 4:
You can now optionally create a tasklist instead of the normal one.
This ones max. number of items isn’t bound to the max. number of recent
items, however there is no setting for max. tasklist entries
fixed strange behaviour when moving items in the TreeView (e.g. files become groups)
multiple items can now be moved at once
the icons-folder will be created if it doesn’t exist (fixes the “Datei “…\iconInfo.dat” kann nicht erstellt werden.” bug)
Version 3:
You can add single files to the jumplist by dragging the file on
the superbar entry of Jumplist-Launcher while holding the shift-key
Folder icons can be changed now
fixed a bug where icons are mixed up when you delete a folder icon
No more “Fehler beim Holen der Daten…” Error, instead it just
disables the ability to set the number of entries in the registry if
the value couldn’t be read
Version 2:
Up to 60 (before only 10) jumplist-items possible
You can change the maximum number of jumplist-items inside the program
New items are added in the correct groups now
Ordner können auch der Liste hinzugefügt werden
no installation and rubbish in the registry
Creates jumplists with up to 10 60 programs or files which can then be directly started (Warning: The setting Max. Jumplist-Items changes the number of possible entries globally for the whole Windows-environment)
the jumplist entries can be grouped
An entry can be assigned to be opened upon left-clicking the superbar-icon of the Jumplist-Launcher
Every entry may contain command-line arguments
after creating the jumplist, no program needs to run in the background
you can have multiple Jumplist-Launcher-Icons (with different files/programs) on your superbar by copying the folder
files can be dragged into the Jumplist-Launcher from Windows-Explorer
Icon and name of the entry can be customized
Jumplist-items can be added by dragging single files on Jumplist-Launchers taskbar-icon while holding the shift-key
Microsoft Windows 7 RC
Start Jumplist-Launcher.exe
Add Groups by clicking the ‘Add Group’ button and rename them by clicking on their name in the treeview
Add files/programs by either clicking on the ‘…’ button or directly dragging them into the Jumplist-Launcher window
You can reorganize the order of groups and files by selecting them in the treeview and pressing the up or down-button
if needed change the number of max. Jumplist-items
When you are done, click on ‘Create Jumplist’ to save everything and Create the jumplist
Pin the program to the superbar
Close the programm
Known issues
Changing the maxmimum number of Jumplist-entries changes the number of recently used files all across Windows 7
This can’t be fixed at the moment because both numbers are represented by only one number in the registry
Multiple taskbar entries with different icons with just one instance of the program
Save settings as a XML-file
any ideas?
Q: The program gives weird error-messages
A: The data is likely to be corrupt. In order to start fresh, delete all content of the icons-folder but
the folder itself and the ’settings.dat’ which is located in the Jumplist-Launcher-folder
Q: How can I have Jumplist-Launcher pinned on the superbar with my own icon
A: Create a shortcut of the Jumplist-Launcher.exe and pin that to the taskbar
Q: 10 60 files/apps only? …I need more
A: You can copy the whole Jumplist-Launcher folder and paste it somewhere else.
Both Jumplist-Launcher.exe use different datasets and therefore can have different files/programs linked to them
파일동기화가 가능한 웹하드로 Dropbox만한 게 없죠.
윈도우7 RC 를 설치하고 나서는 지원이 안 되어서 한동안 사용하지 못하고 있었는데
오늘 접속해 보니 'Dropbox 0.6.550' 버전으로 업데이트가 되어서 윈도우7에서도 잘 작동이 됩니다.
사용방법은 똑같고, 2G는 무료, 50G, 100G는 유료로 사용이 가능합니다.
Download Windows Virtual PC Beta and Windows XP Mode Beta
Windows Virtual PC provides the capability to run multiple Windows environments such as Windows XP Mode from your Windows 7 desktop. To download Windows Virtual PC and the Windows XP Mode environment, please follow the steps below. For information on how to set up Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode, check out Running Windows Virtual PC with Windows XP Mode in the Documentation section.
Before you download
Windows Virtual PC requires a CPU with the Intel™ Virtualization Technology or AMD-V® feature turned on. This feature must be enabled in the system BIOS. For details on how to enable, visit the Configure BIOS page or check with your computer manufacturer.
Windows Virtual PC requires Windows 7 Release Candidate. MSDN subscribers and TechNet Plus subscribers can download it from the Microsoft TechNet Springboard site.
Once hardware virtualization is enabled on your PC, and you have downloaded and installed Windows 7 Release Candidate, follow the steps below to download Windows Virtual PC Beta and Windows XP Mode Beta.
학교 노트북에도 Windows7을 설치해 봤습니다.
집에 있는 데스크탑에 일요일에 설치해 보고 좀 괜찮은 것 같아서
학교에 설치해봤습니다.
윈도우7은 인터페이스도 괜찮고 부팅 속도, 실행 속도도 빠르고 전반적으로
비스타에 비해서 많이 좋아진 것 같은 느낌입니다.
그래서 한글도 깔고, 오픈오피스도 깔고 액티브 포스트도 깔고 준비를 마쳤습니다.
프린터도 네트워크를 자동으로 잡아서 설치가 잘 되었습니다.
우분투에서 프린터를 자동으로 잘 잡듯이 많이 개선된 모습이었습니다.
그런데 제가 사용하기에 어려운 결정적인 결함이 있었스빈다.
V3는 설치는 됩니다.
하지만 실시간 검사가 안 되고 업데이트도 안 되더군요.
학교에서는 V3를 일괄 구입해서 사용하는데 말이죠.
알약은 호환성을 비스타로 해서 설치하면 업데이트도 잘 되고 실시간 검사도 잘 됩니다.
그것보다 더 중요한 것은
윈도우7은 인터넷 브라우저를 기본으로 IE8을 사용합니다.
물론 브라우저 문제가 아니겠지만, 교무학사 업무를 위해서 접속해야할 NEIS 에
접속이 안 된다는 겁니다.
접속화면까지는 이것저것 다 설치가 되는데,
나중에 아이디를 입력하고 로그인을 시도하면 nProtct 에서 키보드를 인식하지 못해
아이디 입력이 안 됩니다.
우분투에서 와인으로 ies4Linux로 접속할 때와 같은 현상입니다.
아직 윈도우7에 대한 호환이 안되기 때문이겠죠.
그래서 결국 다시 우분투로 돌아갑니다.
내심 윈도우7에 기대를 하고 있었는데, Neis가 윈도우7에 호환될 때까지
당분간은 우분투만 사랑해야할까 봅니다.
윈도우7 베타가 9일날 공개한다고 하더니 아무리 접속해도 다운하는 곳을 찾을 수 없어 네이버로 검색하고 구글링해서 설치하는 법을 알아냈습니다.
요즘 우분투 8.10을 데스크탑과 노트북에 깔아서 이것저것 사용해 보고 리눅스의 재미에 푹 빠져있는데, 리눅스가 좀 사용하는 사람이 적다보니 불편한 점이(관공서나 결재 등) 있어서 윈도우를 전혀 사용하지 않을 수는 없는 상황이라 윈도우7 개발에도 관심을 갖고 있던 차에 여기저기 다운받는다고 말들이 많아서 욕심이 생겨 저도 다운받게 되었습니다.