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부엉이쌤의 나라말, 우분투, 국어교육 곽성호(자유)


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'우분투원'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2009.11.03 쿠분투 9.10에 우분투원 설치하기 1
  2. 2009.09.30 2G 동기화 웹하드 Ububtu One
    sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client-gnome



Posted by 곽성호(자유)
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Installation Instructions

Requirements: Because we want to give everyone using Ubuntu One the very best experience, we require that you run Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope).

It is also strongly recommended that you update your system before beginning the installation. To install updates, go to System » Administration » Update Manager and click Install Updates. Once your system is up to date you can begin the installation process.

  1. Add Our PPA The first step is to add our PPA (Personal Package Archive). This will give you access to the Ubuntu One client software. You can find more information about PPAs at Launchpad.net.

    Install window for ubuntuone-client-gnome
  2. Install Client Install the Ubuntu One client from the PPA by clicking on the button below.

    Note: If you're using a non-Firefox web browser, you can install the client by going to System » Administration » Synaptic Package Manager and searching for ubuntuone-client-gnome

    Install window for ubuntuone-client-gnome
  3. Start Client Now that you have the software installed, you'll need to authorize it. On your computer, click on Applications » Internet » Ubuntu One to start the process.
  4. Internet menu with the Ubuntu One option
  5. Add Your Computer The final step is adding your computer to your Ubuntu One account. A web page will launch after clicking Ubuntu One in the previous step (see the image below). Simply click on 'Add this Computer'. Because this is your computer, it's necessary for you to explicitly allow the software to access your Ubuntu One account.
  6. Show confirmation of authentication
  7. Start Using Ubuntu One You should now see a Ubuntu One icon in your panel. This is typically at the top of your Ubuntu desktop. Right clicking on that icon will give you a few different options including the ability to go to our web interface for managing files.. Congratulations! Now you can copy or upload files to get them into Ubuntu One. We encourage you to share, sync, and use it in creative ways!
  8. Use the applet to interact with Ubuntu One
Posted by 곽성호(자유)
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